Saturday, January 26, 2008


Randy Pausch , a CS professor in CMU gave his "last lecture" on fulfilling your dreams. I would not even have imagined any person, with only few more months to live could be so energetic and elated. His research work in Virtual Reality is an excellent example of how one can make a difference to the world, help others fulfill their dreams. Some of the touching quotes from his lecture:
  1. "Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you. If you are pissed off at somebody and are angry at them, you have just not given them enough time. "
  2. "Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things."
  3. "Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted."
  4. "If you live your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, and the dreams will come to you. "
The 4th point about "karma will take care of itself" is confusing to me. For me, "Karma" is living your life the right way.


Sonal Gupta said...

nice... i also saw the video.. man the man is amazing... we all shd get inspired by him...

peace said...

I read the blog and also saw the video. I found it particularly inspiring how he has kept his calm without denying the reality. All smart people definitely know how to make the best use of their time. And isn't it true? Time is so precious. This one lesson if learnt properly, might turn out to be the tipping point in your life. Anyways Khushboo, keep em comin.

Keep up the good work.:)

Manish said...

This guy is awesome. Never seen a guy with such a good sense of humour with death lingering around you. We can learn a lot from his lecture.

Swaroop said...

nice talk by a really inspiring person... i love his wit at the end when he celebrates his wife's b'day...

may b Gandhi quoted it better -
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

Ullas Sankhla said...

When he says karma, it means the "seeds of karma" sown by doing good. A simple way to understand this will be to say as you do good onto others good things will come to you.

looks like a lot of people are writing about life and death :)

Swaroop said...

my understanding of tht last point is...

coz karma for west means causality, if u live the right way (performing ur duties, living with compassion etc etc), then just as an aftereffect, u shld get wht u want...

Indus Creep said...

I loved the Brick Wall quote myself. Really something to think about.

As for Karma,
it means that there are some things you do not have a choice over and hence cannot control. You are better off taking care of the stuff you can control rather than breaking your head over things you cannot.

peace said...

Wow.. it was really interesting to see so many interpretations of the word "Karma." It is really interesting to see Americans use it in everyday life. Either your boss at work or your collegue, everyone uses Karma. Some pop Hindu Philosophy term it has become. I do not understand the whole concept of Karma in hindu philosophy.

On the one hand where Arjun talks about performing ones Karma without wavering from the right path and falling a prey to emotions, on the other Hindu Philosophy does not fail to emphasize how inorder to attain "Moksha", what is imperative is to get rid of Karma and break free from the cycle of life and death.

As a philosophy major I have always enjoyed talking about this. Unfortunately all my discussions left me unquenched.

Too long a post:D is it:D Neways Khushboo I really appreciate how you sent me the web link:)Keep em coming:)

Kalyan said...

Welcome to Blogging, Khushboo. Its interesting to see two of my friends publishing their first blog-post on the same day - Republic Day. Another is DC (

Another point, I havent seen too many first posts to get this many comments in such a little time.
